Thorn Class
Welcome to Thorn Class
Teacher: Mrs Hill
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Lewis, Miss Sprules, Mrs Keane
Wednesday afternoon PPA cover: Mrs Chillitupa and Mrs Salen
Welcome to the Thorn Class page. Here you will find key information about the class over the next year. The overviews for each term can be found at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions please come and speak to me at school - I am always happy to talk.
- Pupils should read 5 times a week, either with an adult or independently.
Times Tables
By the end of Year 4 all pupils are expected to know the times tables up to 12 x 12 and be able to recall these accurately and fluently. In Year 5 and 6 we will continue to consolidate this knowledge and maintain fluency. We will focus on a different times table each week in school and please encourage learning at home either through Times Tables Rockstars or other methods.
This is a website that helps pupils with Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Pupils will have access to this at school but logins will also be sent home for any pupils who wish to use the site outside of school.
Websites to help with home learning.
Times Tables Rockstars
Learning your times tables benefits all areas of maths. Make sure you complete some studio games on a regular basis.
Dance Mat Typing
Learn to type the fun way!
Bitesize SATs Revision
Practise for your SATs with these activities in English, Maths and Science.