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Whole school walk to Roundway Hill

We have been learning about the Battle of Roundway between the Roundheads and Cavaliers.

Last Friday the whole school made it to the top of Roundway Hill that we can see from our school field.  Most of the school have been learning about the Battle of Roundway as a local historical moment so the teachers decided it was time to walk up the hill.  The youngest children were ferried by Mr Wallis in the Seend Shuttle bus to the bottom of the hill while the rest of the school walked from school and back again.  The children were amazingly resilient, even when the going got tough and the weather warmed them.  We all drank our water and kept cool when we could.  Everyone ate lunch together at the top before coming back down at varying speeds.  It was a lovely day out but importantly the walk will have helped the children to envisage where the battle took place whilst getting a better understanding of the local geography and flora and fauna.