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School Meals & Menus

Our catering provider is Lataca - Award winning school dinners serving 24 schools in Wiltshire.  Current and new parents should have received guidance already.  If not, please contact the school office.

School Meal Ordering

Please ensure you have registered with Parent Mail via Lataca in order to order your child's meal choices.  You must order in advance, this will ensure your child has the meal they will eat and the kitchen can prepare.  The termly menu will be displayed on the school notice board and can be accessed via the website.  

School Menu Terms 5 & 6

School Meals

We believe in the social value of eating together and as such all children share a mid-day meal together. Hot school meals are provided for Foundation Stage (Reception) & Key Stage 1 children (Years 1 & 2). Our catering company is Lataca.  These are freshly cooked and served by our MDSA's. If you choose for your child not to have school meals they should bring a healthy packed lunch and drink to school (in a named container please). As we do not have cold storage facilities for lunch boxes, you may wish to include an ice pack in your child's lunchbox during warmer weather.

The school has the facility to provide a cooked lunch to those children entitled to free school meals. Parents who have this entitlement should complete the free school meals application form and return it to Wiltshire Council. When Wiltshire Council confirm you are eligible, free school meals for your child will commence.

If you are unsure whether your child qualifies for free school meals please do not hesitate to contact the school office who will be happy to help with your queries and application.

Healthy Snacks

​As a school we encourage the children to eat healthy snacks at break time. There are many long term health benefits in encouraging this habit and we would very much value your support by providing your child with a fruit or vegetable snack.