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School clothes should be smart but practical. Our uniform requirements are as follows:

Red sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper, white shirt/polo shirt & grey/black trousers/smart shorts or grey skirt/pinafore/trousers or a summer alternative of red & white gingham dress.

All children should wear sensible, black shoes. Not trainers please. We play outside almost every day, please make sure your child has wellies in school at all times.

Other than studded earrings (which we do not recommend), the wearing of jewellery is not ​permitted. Items are easily lost and can cause injury to the wearer or others. Children will be asked to remove stud earrings during PE and swimming lessons.

Your child will need a book bag to carry reading and homework items between school and home. These will soon be available to purchase from the school office as well as from the stockists below.

Uniform can be purchased from a variety of places including OHM (formally Red Direct), Scholars and Galileo - all in Devizes and Tesco Embroidery Service. If you purchase embroidered uniform from Tesco or OHM we get a % of the order value donated back to school. These donations make a huge difference to the school.

St Nicholas P.E. Kit

To support healthy physical activity and lifestyles we ask all children to wear P.E. kit for P.E. lessons. Pupils either change in their own classroom under the supervision of our teaching staff or are asked to come to school in P.E. kit and then have P.E. in the afternoon. P.E. kits should be NAMED and kept in a labelled bag and washed regularly. As P.E. is a legal curriculum requirement, children need to be able to fully participate so it is important that they wear appropriately stretchy or loose clothing.


Indoor P.E. kit - Red polo shirt & black shorts.

Outdoor P.E. kit - Red polo shirt, black shorts & black or grey track suit for colder weather.

The school recommends plimsolls/daps or training shoes for most indoor or outdoor games activities. For indoor activities such a dance or gymnastic, the children will be asked to have bare feet. Ordinary shoes are not appropriate for any P.E. activities.

Naming uniform & P.E. kits

​It is vital that all pieces of school uniform and P.E. kits are labelled with the child's name. This can be as simple as writing on the label with a biro or using iron on labels.