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Friends of St Nicholas

The Friends of St Nicholas (often still known as PTA) raise money to subsidise school activities, buy extra equipment and improve facilities for the children. It provides an important link between home and school.

Our main fund raiser is the Bromham 10k Pudding Run, held the first Sunday in December. We also organise school discos and help, where we are able to, at various school events.

​Recent donations of the friends to St Nicholas School include:

​A large donation towards the cost of swimming transport to reduce parent contribution, forest schools' equipment, new picnic benches (environmentally friendly), year 6 leavers gifts, class camera's and much more!

​Current Friends of St Nicholas are:

​Georgie Cockburn and Kelly Stiles (Co-Chair), Beth Smith (Treasurer), Naomi Paviour (Secretary), Stephanie Ottaway, Sophie McCartan, Naomi Paviour, Louisa Tatton-Bennett, Kerry Lewis, Kelly Stiles, Jen Brightmore, Charlotte Burbidge, Amelia Lloyd, Rachel Mortimer, Katie Ollerhead, Nina Morrison, Amy Rockall, Stacey Wall.

We meet approximately once a term, we have a great team and as well as providing a massive benefit to the school we have fun too. All parents are warmly welcomed. If you are interested in joining us, please ask in the school office or catch one of our members in the playground.